Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Don’t Have A Website

Does anyone know how to start affiliate marketing without a website? Maybe this is a question you have been asking yourself. There are a few places on the Internet that you can build a web presence without having your own domain name.

Buying your own domain name to start your own website to advertise your online programs is a wonderful option. Yet it’s not essential to market your Internet marketing links. There are several strategies available which can be used to carry out your affiliate marketing home business.

This list is rather long, nevertheless the most important strategies are e-mail promoting, writing articles to e-groups, subscribing to Internet based chats etc. Let us discuss some important and vital techniques that can be used in promoting your affiliate products if you don’t have your own business website.

Promotion Thru E-mail Campaigns

Using e-mail campaigns to promote your affiliate links is an easy way to advertise your products. This method doesn’t require a person to have a website. When an individual that has received an email from you clicks on your product links they are simply taken to the affiliate website that you are promoting in the emails.

The subject line of your email will introduce the product or service. The email will describe your product or service and include the affiliate links to the product. Now you will want to make sure they are your links and that they are working correctly. One important note try to make the email catch the attention of the reader, but remain brief. Don’t get to technical or long winded.

Continue To Increase Your Contact List

Getting brand new people in your contact list is very important to your business, and for its survival. This requires you to use a number of tactics to gain more interested individuals in your list. Discussion forums and chat forums on the internet can be used to make new acquaintances that are interested in your products. A good start to a opt-in list is to get a few hundred or more contacts.

The most important part to building a list is not to spam people. Your like everyone else on the internet, and you don’t want someone who doesn’t know you sending you emails on stuff you don’t want info on. Remember if you don’t like spam others don’t either. Most will just delete your emails or send to the spam box.

If you don’t want your e-mails deleted or blocked don’t waste your time sending stuff to people that didn’t ask for your newsletter. They will just unsubscribe from your list, and all that time you spent building your list will be for nothing.

I don’t get the people that send e-mails, and then have no unsubscribe link in the message. I always send to the junk file or flag as spam. Then I never see them its to bad some people use unethical tactics. Don’t forget to make your message real, and interesting for your readers.

Until next time have a good day. If you would like to build a WP Blog join my new letter to learn how to get yours built free. There is also a hosting company that includes Auto-Responders with the hosting account you can get.